How to Get that Natural Glow on Your Wedding Day

Everyone wants to look and feel their best on their wedding day. Thankfully, achieving that natural glow doesn’t take much! Just follow some simple self-care steps, and you’ll look more radiant than ever. Follow these easy tips to get glowing skin on your special day.


Image source: Pexels


Get your Beauty Sleep


You don’t want to look and feel exhausted on your special day! Getting enough sleep can be difficult when you have pre-wedding jitters - but you must prioritise proper rest to get that natural glow. In the weeks leading up to the wedding, stick to the same evening routine. Try to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep per night. This will give you the energy needed to get through the stressful wedding period with a big smile on your face!




Dehydration causes dry skin and can make you feel awful all around. Make sure you’re drinking at least 2-4 litres of water a day. This amount may seem like a lot, but will make all the difference to your health. Eating water-heavy foods like watermelon, grapefruits, and lettuce will also help to hydrate your skin.


Exercise Regularly


Obviously, you’ll want to be in good shape for your wedding. This means building up an appropriate fitness routinelong before the wedding. Keep a log of your activity to track your progress.



Image source: Unsplash


Regular exercise improves your body image and also has amazing benefits for your skin. Working out causes you to sweat, which allows your body to flush out impurities. This will keep your skin looking clean, smooth and fresh. It also helps that exercise is a natural stress reliever; we all know how stressful weddings can be.


Maintain a Healthy Diet


Along with a regular exercise routine, it’s essential to maintain a healthy diet. The foods and drinks you consume havea profound effect on your skin’s appearance. Do your best to avoid spicy food, coffee, cigarettes, fatty and salty foods, as these generally aren’t good for your skin or your general health. Instead, choose fresh greens, fruits, lean protein and lots of vitamin C. Omega-3 fatty acids are also important for maintaining good skin health. They help to moisturise the skin and reduce inflammation. You can find this in foods like salmon and mackerel. In terms of healthy drinks, try green juice. Its antioxidant properties have amazing benefits for your skin.


Stick to a Skin Care Routine


Last but not least, you’re going to need to maintain a regular skin care routine. You can’t get that natural glow without taking proper care of your skin! Ideally, you should start prepping your skin at least 3 months before the wedding. This will give your skin enough time to get ready before the big day. 



Image source: Unsplash


The first rule of a good skin routine - always remove your makeup before bed. Leaving your makeup on all night can cause clogged pores and breakouts, which no one wants on their wedding day! Ensure you clean your makeup brushes regularly as well.


Once you’ve taken off your make up, wash your face gently and thoroughly. If you’re prone to dry skin, opt for natural moisturisers and cleansers. Always do proper research about your skin products. It’s important to find the products that work for your skin type. Keep up your skin routine every night, following the same steps in the morning. Staying consistent with your routine is key. Don’t forget to wear sunscreen whenever you’re exposed to the sun. 


Author’s bio:

Harper is a Kiwi wordsmith residing in Auckland, New Zealand. Spending long hours in front of the computer makes her hugely appreciative of any change in scenery – especially the outdoor kind! Her hobbies include hiking and camping. Learn more about Harper and her work on her personal blog.

Christine Ong